
kuhs architekten
architekten und passivhausplaner winfried kuhs

basler straße 24b
79100 freiburg
phone 0761|287800
fax 0761|287900

member of architektenkammer baden-württemberg
value added tax identification number: DE 142196258

responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: winfried kuhs

conception and design: magor józsef sándor
concept and design: magor józsef sándor hegedűs
texts and editing: nona christiane bosse
realization: creative robot kft.

- despite careful content control, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links.
- for the content of the linked pages are solely responsible their operators.
- all trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
- the professional regulations, in particular the "architektengesetz baden-württemberg" and the "berufsordnung", can be viewed on the homepage of the "architektenkammer baden-württemberg":

copyright ©
the text contributions and pictures contained in the website are protected by copyright. the copyright lies with the architectural office kuhs.

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